How To Bypass Google Account On Vodafone VFD 200

How To Bypass Google Account On Vodafone VFD 200

Trusted proven method to bypass google account on Vodafone vfd 200 after hard reset – Vodafone vfd 200 google account bypass is simple tutorial.


Small smartphones like Vodafone vfd 200 are a good choice for entry level users but when you forgot google account is difficult to use your phone again. Factory restore protection is in place for android smartphones running Android 5.0+ which makes it difficult to use the phone without verifying your identity.


When you forgot previous google account which was signed-in, you won’t be able to use use your phone before verification. Today I will be showing you how you can easily bypass google account on Vodafone vfd 200 in easy steps to follow.


First make sure your smartphone is fully charged and have a good Wi-Fi connection.


Now Power “ON” your Phone >> Connect “Wi-Fi” >> Press in the “Password field” so that the keyboard can pop-up >> Now Press and Hold comma "," >> Choose “Android keyboard Settings” option >> Select “Text correction” >> Personal dictionary >> Select “English (United Kingdom)” >> Press “Search icon” on top of the screen >> Type "Google voice typing" in the search field >> Select "Text-To-Speech Output" >> Now next to “Google Text to Speech” option >> Select the "Settings Gear" on the right >> Select "Install Voice Data" >>


Press “(3) Three Dots” top right of the screen >> Select "Open Source License" >> Press and hold any word to "highlight" it >> Select "Share" from the small pop-up Window >> Select "Messaging" and type "47463X" in the recipient field >> Type "2018" in body field and press the "Dial" option on top of the screen >> Now “Dial pad” will open >> Clear the "Text Field" >> Type " *#*#4636#*#* " >> Press "Battery Information" >>


Press "Back Arrow" top left of the screen >> Now you will arrive in the settings menu >> Select "Home" and choose "com android Provisioning" option >> Press Next and "Next Again >> Select "Setup Wizard" and choose "Simple Home Screen" >> Your phone will now open >> Now go to "Settings" >> choose "Home" and select "Standard Home Screen" then you are done!

Congratulations!! You successfully bypassed google verification on Vodafone vfd 200.



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