How to fix earnings at risk adsense ads.txt file warning on Blogger


How to fix ads.tx file earning at risk warning for Blogger

Reliable working method to fix ads.txt file earnings at risk warning on Blogger website pointing to third party custom domain.

AdSense is a way many bloggers earns a living by monetizing content on their websites or blogs. There are configurations which needs to be in place in order to monetize content without breaking the rules. One of the most difficult problem with AdSense is the ads.txt file which authorize sellers on your website. If the file is unavailable or not accessible on your website then publishers can experience a persisting warning in their AdSense account and decreased earnings.

Is a serious problems especially for Blogger websites owners who are using third party domains and pointing them to Blogger. WordPress users don't experience this problem especially if they placed the ads.txt file correctly. This is not the case with Blogger because even if you included the ads.txt file the warning persistent for a very long time. At some point the warning may disappear for few days and come back again and stay forever. Is a serious problem because it negatively affects earnings and no real solution is available even on Google's community. The solutions that are available in Google's community are general and mostly works for WordPress not Blogger.

I'm one of the publishers who struggled with this problem for a long time and spend sleepless nights trying to find the solution for the problem. The first thing to highlight is that on Blogger you can't point a naked Domain like because it won't allow it. But the ads.txt file need to be available at, so on blogger it needs to be pointed as instead. You can easily point a naked Domain on WordPress and get the ads.txt authorized in no time but not on Blogger. That means on Blogger the ads.txt file will be available on, even if you access it that link it seems like Google crawlers can't detect it easily on that subdomain. The ads.txt file needs to be on the root domain but you can't use it on blogger because it doesn't allow naked domains.

The Solution

After testing many methods and debugging my website for some time I found the solution for this Blogger problem.

First you will make sure that you website is secured via https and redirect to Also download your ads.txt and enter it in the Custom ads text field in Blogger settings. You will also need the following four A Records to enter in your Domain hosting panel:

Now we come to the interesting part, even if the four A Records are the ones Google and it's community says needs to be entered they aren't enough. So website owner need to also add four additional quad A Records in their Domain Hosting in order for the ads.txt file to be detected. The four quad A Records I'm talking about are not listed in Google community but I'll will include the here now.


The following quad AAAA Records should be entered:


After adding all those records, access the ads.txt file few times checking the for the 200 Status Code using Chrome Developer tools. It should take less than three days to authorize your ads.txt file and the warning will disappear in the AdSense dashboard.

I hope this solution solved the most difficult ads.txt problem for Blogger Publishers.



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